Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Night in the Prayer Room

We came in tonight in a flurry of activity & busyness. We were late coming in to set up and we all rushed about to get ready. Frustrations & annoyance with each other grew. I went to make copies of the music for the night, feeling rushed & irritated. When I came back one of our leaders was in the main sanctuary trying to "cool off" as the tensions had peaked. When I went back into the prayer room, even though other people had already arrived, I pulled the leaders aside to pray. We needed to back up and start off the night right...We started, then, corporately, by just simply praying in a circle, allowing some time to breathe. Jenn & Christina got us started with welcomes and Scripture focus. By request, we start worship with an a cappella version of "Trading My Sorrows" and it takes off from there...
What a night!
I write in my journal, "I could burst with joy & pleasure at the worship & prayer that is happening."
Aaron plays harmonica and adds backup vocals as Christine leads on keyboard.
Jenn & Jenny are reading Scripture & praying into the microphone.
Heidi leads us in singing lines of Scripture.
Jordan is back & forth between the drum set & his djembe drum.
What a night!
I write, "What JOY You must have in your heart Lord as you look upon us...Oh, I could burst with joy & pride at how we are growing, stepping out, and being stretched to higher, creative places in You."
Jenny with flags. A guy face-down on the floor.
Aaron sets up a 4th microphone (they are all being used!)
I chuckle to myself as we constantly adjust and move about while continuing on in worship.
3 of the girls in the room are "facing the wall" (Don Potterism) in worship & prayer.
A new guy comes in. His first time, and I wonder what he thinks of all this.
Now Christina is singing! Go Christina! Yes!
Jenn and I exchange knowing looks. We can't keep from laughing in joy & wonder.
Dan steadily strums guitar chords.
Aaron "ooohs," singing into his specially set up microphone.
Anthony paces.
It's quarter to midnight. We wind down with intercession for the city, the music gradually & steadily trails off...
Christina closes in prayer.
We end with smiles & laughter, in awe of the place we had just entered--into the Awesome, Holy Presence of God.
What a night!

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