Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Wind

The Wind gusts outside my window tonight
it seems furious & fearful
pushing against the glass
as I burrow beneath the covers.

Though the night is dark
The Wind does not blow for the wicked;
It roars for the righteous.
Like Acts 4, The Wind trumpets the entrance of the Holy Ghost
Stirring the passion of saints.

For the child of God has received the breath of God
walking, running
breathing in deeply
the living breath of Yahweh
exhaling the life that is in the Son
exclaiming, "life forevermore!"

So I do not fear The Wind;
I welcome The Wind.
I turn my face to the North and South,
and cry "Come!"
Come surround, encircle me.
Go before me and behind me
As a shield of powerful anointing.

The Wind stirs the water;
It bears witness to the Blood.
It blows where it wishes,
and I hear the sound of it
this night.

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