Monday, May 28, 2007

40 Day Fast May 28-07/07/07

To our Onething Rochester Friends:

On the evening of May 28, Christians across the nation will begin a 40-day Fast to seek God and turn our hearts back to Him on behalf of our country. This will be a fast to prepare us and lead us to TheCall Nashville on 07-07-07. On this date Lou Engle & TheCall have called a "solemn assembly" (see Joel 2) of fasting & prayer joined by hundreds of thousands of people from across the nation & even the world.

We invite you to participate in this time of fasting with us. I am including links to 40-day prayer focuses thru Lou Engle & Chuck Pierce. Please use them as a guide & for encouragement in this time.

We are looking forward to uniting together with so many other Christians around the nation in this season. Please consider joining us in the prayer room at Bethel (321 East Ave.) on Friday nights this month. We'll be there 9 pm-midnight. In addition, many of us are choosing to fast 1 or a combination of media, 1 meal per day, meat, sweets, or will participate in a Daniel fast (see for details). Please consider joining us in this.

This is an incredible time in history! May the Holy Spirit strengthen & encourage us together, and may the God of heaven turn His ear to our prayers and pour out His Spirit on His people!
Blessings, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Onething Leadership Team

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